Tuesday 25 June 2013



                                     When we get a new product, we will avoid the old one .This is one of the usual habits of human beings. When new products were arrived in the market, in any way we will try to buy it. May be already this product were in our hands, then we will buy the product which give more facility. Then the old one starts to destroy. These damaged products were thrown out to the earth. This method causing many consequences in future, but we are not bothered about it. We are following a throwing out way. Years ago, Plastic waste is harmful to us, now this condition, tells about that E-Waste is more harmful then plastic waste, Our Earth and Oceans are now covered with E-waste. The toxic gases producing from these waste creating holes in ‘Ozone Layers’
                               E-Waste means electronic waste, which include all, types of Electrical and Electronics Equipment [EEE]. Such as TV, Computer, Mobile Phone, Refrigerators, Washing machines etc were some of the E-Wastes. Usages of this item are increasing day by day. This leads to the increasing of E-Waste in the earth. In recycling of TV, computer, Refrigerators produces toxic gases like Cadmium and Beryllium of CRT Tubes (Cathode Ray Tube) .There toxic gases remains in the atmosphere No one can found  a solution for this .India lies second position in population. Now we are also going to the same positions in pollution. Then the conditions become worst.
                 As per the EPE (Environmental Protection Agency)   record, large amount of E-Waste is obtained in America, it is about ten million.  This is only the record of one country. Then the whole world will produce how much E-Waste in one day .There is only 20-25% of Recycling is done in these un useful things and the rest is remained in the earth.

                         World biggest E- Waste recycling plant is in China. It is in Shantou which is a small place.  This is known as the capital city of E-Waste. Not only in earth but also in oceans E-Waste is dumped. Due to this activity our wealth of oceans, were decreasing day by day. Most amount of E-Waste is dumped in Pacific Ocean. On 1997 captain Charles Moore Founded that the world biggest E-Waste dump is in Pacific Ocean. It is known as “Great Pacific Garbage path".
                        “If this condition is continues our earth become a desert in future. So we have to try our level best for saving the coming Generation” 

   List of e waste recycling companies in INDIA and WORLD   

                         India‘s first electronic waste recycling company is  named as  E-PARISARA. This company got approval from both Central pollution control board and Karnataka State pollution control board; it is located in an industrial area near Bangalore named Dobaspet.  Its operations were started on September 2005. There activities include recycling and reusing of Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE). The main aim of E-PARISARA is to reduce the accumulation of used and discarded Electronic and Electrical equipment and the main goal of company to achieve the level of a world class recycling services and solution.

  • Earth Sense Recycle Pvt. Ltd  
  • EWaRDD & Co
  • Ash Recyclers,Unit-1
  • Jhagadia Copper Ltd
  • Hi-Tech Recycling India (p) Ltd
  • Trishiraya  Recycling India (p) Ltd


  • ECS Refining , santa,CA
  • Tech Turn , Austin,TX
  • Viatek solutions, Tampa,FL
  • Redmtech, Columbus,OH
  • Metech Recycling ,Gilroy,CA

Wednesday 19 June 2013



                                ISRO (Indian space research organization) is the space research center in India. ISRO established in 1969 august 15. Head office of ISRO is at Bangalore it is named as “Antariksh bhavan”. Father of Indian space research centre  is Dr. Vikram sarabhai and he himself was the first chairman of ISRO, Dr. Radhakrishnan was the first malayalee chairman of ISRO. The first Rocket launched at Thumpa on 21 November, 1963. Thumpa located near Equator, thats why it is also known equatorial rocket launching station.
                                         VSSC (Vikram sarabhai space research centre) .V S S C is situated in Trivandram. Aryabhatta is the first satellite of India launched in Soviet Union in 19 April 1975.Weight of Aryabhatta is 360 kg. The second satellite launched of India was Bhaskara-1 launched in Soviet Union on 7 June 1979.
                                      Rohini was the first satellite longed by the ISRO in India in 1981 May 30 it was launched from Sriharikota.it was the launched throught S L V which was India’s own launching vehicle. Sriharikota is the only one launching centre in India. Sriharikota is an Island situated at the bank of Bay of Bengal in Andhra Pradesh. Satellite launching center in sriharikota is named as ‘Sathish Dhawan’ this name is given in 2002.Function started at Sriharikota on 1971 October. ‘Andrx Corporation’ is a trade market under ISRO. APPLE (The Ariane Passenger payload Experiment) was the first Communication satellite of India launched in  South America. on 19 Jun, 1981.
                                            P.S.L.V (Polar Satellite launch vehicle) and G.S.L.V (Geo synchronous satellite launch vehicle) are the launching vehicles of India. The Edusat is an educational satellite launched on 20 September 2004.Kalpana -1  is the first Meteorological satellite in India .The Chandrayaan-1 was launched on 22 October, 2008 from Sriharikota .The presence of water is conformed at moon by the help of Chandrayaan-1. The SARAL is the last launched satellite from ISRO. The type of launched satellite are “Earth observation satellite, Geo stationery satellite, Experimental /Small experimental and Space mission”. And also launched missile from ISRO ‘AGNI’ series are “AGNI-I, AGNI­-II, AGNI-III, AGNI-IV, AGNI-V, AGNI-VI.” 



 700-1250 Km
  Medium-range ballistic missile
 2000-3000 Km
  Intermediate-range ballistic missile
 3500-5000 Km
  Intermediate range ballistic missile
 3000-4000 Km
  Intermediate range ballistic missile
 500-8000 Km
  Intercontinental  ballistic missile
  Intercontinental  ballistic missile

Saturday 15 June 2013



      World famous Books Name & Authors Names

                  BOOKS NAME                               AUTHORS NAME



         AN AMERICAN LIFE                   -      RONALD REAGAN

         ANIMAL FARM                                 GEORGE ORWELL

         ASIAN DRAMA                            -      GUNNAR MYRDAL

         BALYA KALA SAKHI                  -       VAIKOM MUHAMAAD BASHEER

         CRICKET MY STYLE                 -        KAPIL DEV

         DEATH AND AFTER                  -       ANNIE BESANT

         DISCOVERY OF INDIA              -       JAWAHARALAL NEHARU

         MACBETH                                    -      WILLAM SHAKESPEARE

         MAHATMA GANDHI                  -      ROMAIN ROLLAND


         MY MUSIC , MY LIFE                -       RAVI SHANKAR

         PASSAGE TO INDIA                   -      E. M FORESTER


         THE FRIEND                                -      SAMUEL TAYLO

         THE GOLDEN GATE                  -      VIKRAM SETH 

         VENNAPOOVU                           -      KUMARANASAN



Tuesday 11 June 2013



1.    It is the world sleepiest animal native to Australia. It           
      sleeps 19-22 hours a day name this animal?

           Anr: KOALA

2.    What was ‘Bhakti’ ?

               Anr: Province During The Gupta period
3.    The range of India’s first ICBM –Agni-5

     Anr: 5000Km

4.    Venues 2022world cup football

               Anr: Qutar

5.    Who is the first space lower in the world?

      Anr: Michale Dodge (America)

6.    Which art from is the combination of mohiniyattam and Kathakali

        Anr: Kerala Nadanam

7.    Bronze anniversary is celebrated on the -------- year of marriage

         Anr: 8 th year

8.    Where is the ‘Doomsday Seed Vault’ situated?

          Anr: Longyear byen (Norway)
9.    Which was the first Indian state to ‘Ban Plastic’ by low in 1995?

            Anr: Himachal Pradesh

 10. Who is the author of the book ‘Speaking for my self’?

                      Anr: Cheire Blair